This research is intended to investigate the students’ attitudes toward the implementation of project-based learning. Project based learning is becoming increasingly popular in the pedagogical field. Qualitative research method was employed in this study. The respondents of this study were the fourth grade students who were taking coursebook evaluation subject.. The data of this study was gathered by using questionnaire. Then, the collected data were analysed by qualitative description. Based on the questionnaire data, the result indicates that the respondents have a positive attitude towards the implementation of project based learning. It can be seen from three aspects: affective, behavioral, and cognitive aspects. On affective aspect, the respondents were interested to learn by using project based learning because of several benefits that they get after learning by using project based learning. In addition, on cognitive aspects, the findings showed that all respondents believe that project based learning is effective in teaching coursebok evaluation subject. The last, on the behavior aspect, the data showed that during the implementation of project based learning the respondents likes to share ideas and discuss in their group.
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