Siti Fatimah, Yuyun Yuniarti, Abdul Rosid


Mapping the MSME Creative Economy in West Bandung Regency is something that should absolutely be implemented based on the reality that the creative economy is able to make a significant contribution and create a positive business climate. This is based on the fact that MSME in Bandung Regency have the potential for both natural resources and human resources. However, there are still many potential sub-sectors in the creative economy in West Bandung Regency that are not utilized, this is due to the unknown location and type of business. The purpose of this research is to describe the Creative Economy Profile of MSME Creative Economy in West Bandung Regency and to describe the MSME Creative Economy Mapping in West Bandung Regency. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method using a type of social mapping method. Data collection techniques used are primary data and secondary data.

Based on the results of the study, the profile obtained that West Bandung Regency has 16 sub-districts with various types of creative economy businesses. Mapping of 16 creative economy sub-sectors in all sub-districts contained only 14 sub-sectors. Two sub-sectors that are not owned in the West Bandung Regency area are Animation, Film and Video and Advertising Sub-sectors. The largest number of creative economy is the performing arts sub-sector, almost all sub-districts have this sub-sector. The largest performing arts sub-sector is in the Lembang district with 1369 creative economy business actors or 64% and the least in Gununghalu district with 4 creative economy business actors or 1%. The suggestion that researchers can convey is that the government should continue to explore and develop the potential of human resources, in this case the younger generation related to the Animation, Film and Video Sub-sector. In the digital era, this has become very familiar to the younger generation associated with this sub-sector. 


Keywords: Mapping, Creative Economy, MSME

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