Karang Taruna is a form of youth organization that can be a forum for youth to express ideas, ideas, creativity that are useful for individuals and society. In Warnasari village, Karang Taruna is actively involved in all community activities because Karang Taruna as a youth organization is considered capable of bringing change to improve the welfare of its citizens and the surrounding community. The participation of Karang Taruna in the management of tourist attractions in the Warnasari village which has a lot of natural tourism potential and can improve the village economy, one of which is the natural tourist attraction of Situ Cileunca which has many rides that can be enjoyed by tourists. So far, tourist attractions are managed by investors professionally, but Karang Taruna is involved in technical management. One of the problems faced is the low competence of youth and tends to become unemployed in the village. Real conditions in various regions show that many youths are out of work and unable to create jobs, the cause being the low level of education and skills. This study aims to determine the extent of empowerment in seeing the potential of Karang Taruna in advancing tourism and its impact on improving the community's economy. Barriers and challenges of Karang Taruna in tourism management. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The results show that the ability of youth organizations in tourism management is still weak, especially their management capabilities, management is still mostly carried out by investors, youth organizations are only involved in managing infrastructure. The obstacles faced by Karang Taruna in participating in managing tourist attractions are weak knowledge in management management, weaknesses in mastering technology, and foreign languages because many foreign tourists are starting to come. The challenge is that Karang Taruna is required to master everything as well as possible, because the management of tourism in Warnasari Village is not possible forever by investors and the surrounding community only gets some of the benefits because many things that cannot be denied are hampering progress in tourism, causing economic progress to be hampered. .
Keywords: Youth Organization, Youth Empowerment, Tourism
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.30740/jees.v4i2.142
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