Rima Elya Dasuki, Ardiyani Lestari


Cooperative business is directly related to the improve the business and welfare of members, so that with good supervision will have a high beneficial impact for members. Cooperative development policy should give priority to quality of cooperatives, to produces quality cooperatives required good supervision. This research was used qualitative research with description method. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance encourages cooperative management in conducting savings and loan activities effectively and efficiently by taking into account the principles of cooperatives and prudential principles so that the cooperative assessment is transparent, accountable and responsive. Principles of Good Corporate Governance required by cooperatives to achieve business sustainability. Management of cooperatives can be done effectively and with the implementation of Good Corporate Governance the performance of cooperatives can be increased and improve service to the member. Cooperative development policy should give priority to quality of cooperatives, to produce quality cooperatives required good supervision This study is one of stage for conducting cooperative business performance research  in relation to the creation of value of firm and share holder equity, financed by Kemenristek Dikti – Indonesia .



Management of cooperatives, effectively, business sustainability

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