Trisa Nur Kania, Latifah Adnani


Sari Luyu Village Owned Enterprise is a business entity owned by Warnasari village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. This BUMDes has been running for 5 years, but all business units that it works on are carried out through business partnerships with villagers who already had a business before BUMDes was established. Its business activities include: selling melon gas cylinders, beef cattle farms, renting 2 units of rafting boats, renting of marriage / circumcision equipment and small molen rentals. In the early 2020, BUMDes management Sari Luyu and Warnasari Village Head had thought about the need to start a business that would be managed directly by the BUMDes management, which would establish a BUMDes stall which would take place next to the Warnasari village office building. The main factor that caused the emergence of the business idea is the presence of a group of community members who seek treatment at the puskesmas every working day. In addition, a number of village office employees and community members who have an interest in the village office, also every working day always come to the village office. Another supporting factor is Warnasari public elementary school students whose school building is right in front of the village office. Based on these considerations, the idea to establish a BUMDes stall came up because it was believed that community members who came to the puskesmas and to the school were ensured to always be available on weekdays so that the chances of the BUMDes stall to be visited by the community were also large. The plan to open a BUMDes stall is expected to further strengthen the position of the BUMDes as a reliable business unit in gaining profits for BUMDes because it is relatively far from other stalls owned by villagers.Sari Luyu Village Owned Enterprise is a business entity owned by Warnasari village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. This BUMDes has been running for 5 years, but all business units that it works on are carried out through business partnerships with villagers who already had a business before BUMDes was established. Its business activities include: selling melon gas cylinders, beef cattle farms, renting 2 units of rafting boats, renting of marriage / circumcision equipment and small molen rentals. In the early 2020, BUMDes management Sari Luyu and Warnasari Village Head had thought about the need to start a business that would be managed directly by the BUMDes management, which would establish a BUMDes stall which would take place next to the Warnasari village office building. The main factor that caused the emergence of the business idea is the presence of a group of community members who seek treatment at the puskesmas every working day. In addition, a number of village office employees and community members who have an interest in the village office, also every working day always come to the village office. Another supporting factor is Warnasari public elementary school students whose school building is right in front of the village office. Based on these considerations, the idea to establish a BUMDes stall came up because it was believed that community members who came to the puskesmas and to the school were ensured to always be available on weekdays so that the chances of the BUMDes stall to be visited by the community were also large. The plan to open a BUMDes stall is expected to further strengthen the position of the BUMDes as a reliable business unit in gaining profits for BUMDes because it is relatively far from other stalls owned by villagers.

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