Ikin Sodikin


Direct regional head elections are a manifestation of the public official filling model so that their accountability to the owners of sovereignty becomes more concrete. The problem that occurs is that the voice of female politicians is still rare, there are at least two possible realities, first, that women politicians reflect more on the ideals of their parties rather than the interests of women, so women's political participation is still low. At least 30% of women's representation in the General Election as stated in Law Number 15 Year 2011 concerning Election Implementation.

Political participation will run if the public participates in political decisions made by the government because the programs organized by the government are aimed at nothing but the welfare of the community itself. This study aims in connection with the representation of women in the world of politics. We have high hopes for the existence of women in direct regional head elections that are currently rolling in the world of Indonesian politics.

The research method used is a qualitative research method, with a case study approach. In qualitative analysis, a case study uses a pervariable analysis tool that has been linked between the two and then analyzed based on observations also based on interviews. The data collection techniques consisted of literature studies, field studies at the West Java KPU and the parties participating in the General Election in West Java regarding women's political participation (through observation, interviews, distribution of questionnaires, focus group discussions) and documentation studies. The output target of this study is a model of political participation and IPR.

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