The goal of this research to analyze correlations between Competency, Compensation, Motivation, Employee Performance in Primary Corporation of Pusdik Peglium Kodiklatad in Cimahi. The research want to analyze impact of Competency, Compensation, Motivation, Employee Performance in Primary Corporation of Pusdik Peglium Kodiklatad in Cimahi simultanty dan partially. Total populations are 190 persons. The samples are 129 person who are decided by Slovin Formula. Correlations score between Competency and Compensation is 0,907 (very strong), Competency and Motivation is 0,871 (very strong), Competency and Employee Performance is 0,910 (very strong), Compensation and Motivation is 0,876 (very strong), Compensation and Employee Performance is 0,930 (very strong) and Motivation and Employee Performance is 0,872 (very strong). Result of this equation have a meaning when Employee Performance without Competency, Compensation, Motivation, Employee Performance has score only 7,693. But if Competency, Compensation and Motivation are added simultanty so score of the Employee Performance will increase from 7,963 become 7,963 + 0,405+),40+0,149 = 9,148. Score F Account = 351,582 and score of F table is 3,91. F account more than F table. It means there are impact Competency, Compensation, Motivation on Employee Performance Simultanty. This Research has a result that score of Significancy is 0,000. It mean that impact Competency, Compensation, Motivation on Employee Performance Simultanty and Significantly.
Competency, Compensation, Motivation, Employee Performance