Monday Sari Komang, Yuce Sariningsih


e-warong KUBE is a development program of the KUBE program which was inaugurated on June 27, 2016 which aims to distribute Non-Cash Food (BPNT) assistance to the people who have registered as KPM Program Keluarga Harapan. Assistance is channeled through an agent appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia referred to as e-warong KUBE through a combo card. The purpose of this study is to describe the condition of economic empowerment of KUBE e-warong perpetrators in the framework of SWOT analysis, identifying the factors that influence, the efforts made and the practical implications of social workers in realizing economic empowerment through income generating KUBE e-warong perpetrators. The research method used qualitative approach with study location in Cimahi City. The research informants were the e-warong KUBE and KUBE e-warong supervisors as well as PKH assistants as secondary informants. Data were collected using in-depth interviews, participant observation and secondary data tracking. The results were analyzed qualitatively by using coding analysis and category and data validity through data triangulation, member checking , and rich and thick description . The results show that e-warong KUBE is a program that provides business capital facilities, assistance and sustainable development, unlimited business development and has a fixed target / target of KPM from Family Hope Program (PKH) into strengths and opportunities in e-warong KUBE program . Economic empowerment of KUBE e-warong perpetrators can not be realized due to internal and external factors that include low entrepreneurial spirit, weak group dynamics , e-warong KUBE implementation system that is still not ready, lack of socialization of e-warong program, and no n- cash that is still alien among KUBE e-warong players . Efforts have been made by realizing income generating include the provision of venture capital, just not balanced with business development and ease in accessing capital. To realize the economic empowerment through income generating the KUBE e-warong perpetrators can not be separated from the role of PKH and TKSK as a form of practical implications of social work within the practical scope of industrial social workers.


Perpetrators of e-warong KUBE, economic empowerment, income generating , social entrepreneurship, industrial social worker.

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